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Monday, August 29, 2011

Worst Movie End: Sliver (1993)‏

Any non-comedy film that ends with the line "Get a life.", can likely earn a spot on my Worst Movie Endings list.

**spoiler alert** This was an otherwise decent mystery/erotic thriller that followed up Basic Instinct for Sharon Stone, and Instinct's writer, Joe Eszterhas. Stone moves into a NY high-rise in which there have been some mysterious deaths. She then begins a charged sexual relationship with Billy Baldwin. Another tenant is murdered, and Baldwin lets Stone in on a little secret he has.

The big reveal that we all waited for after learning that Zeke (Baldwin) had video cameras wired throughout the entire building, was, "who is the killer?" In the released theatrical version, it turned out to be Jack (Tom Beringer). Yay. Not a great way to go, but serviceable. Carly (Stone) then unloads a gun into Zeke's video system, apparently now tired of the good sex, and voyeuristic games. Huh? She now suddenly has a conscience about watching other people's lives, so rather than just walking away she destroys someone else's property? I hope Zeke sent her the bill.

The noted fact is that Zeke was supposed to be (and filmed) in the original script as the killer. Test audiences apparently hated it, even though it made the most sense with what was on the screen the prior 107 minutes. Joe Eszterhas then re-wrote 5 different endings in 3 days. It startles me to think that the final ending was the supposed best of the those 5? Yikes.

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