random opening

You notice we review lots of horror movies - that is true, my brother an I tend to favor that genre. However, we have seen plenty of the classics, romantic comedies, sci-fi, action, biographies, foreign films, indie films, anime, and westerns, to boot.

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Bob's thoughts on once and (done)...

There are movies in my personal collection that are difficult to watch because of their deeply emotional natures, and there have been movies that I would say I’m glad I saw but don’t have the desire to see again or own. In other words, they aren't necessarily the ones you would reach for when it is time to relax with a good movie. But, I’m one of those people who don’t like to say never again, especially when it comes to movies. So I don’t want to say that there are movies that I've seen that I’m never going to watch again, but there are movies that, while they are quality films, do not make for recreational viewing. Here are some of my examples.

Citizen Kane - A true landmark of cinematic history that shows the solitude and sadness of success. The +

Passion of the Christ - The realism of the violence and the pain that Jesus endured are very powerful, and I’m not ashamed to admit it.

Braveheart - I don’t know much about the man himself, but the heroic tale of William Wallace fighting for Scottish freedom can be moving and epic at times, and moves rather slowly at other times. Closer - A beautiful story of four people and the tragedy of love.

Cast Away - In my opinion, Tom Hanks was the only actor who could pull off this performance.

*I agree with all the selections on my brother’s list except for “Saving Private Ryan” which is a movie I view every year around Memorial Day.

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