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Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday the 13th, pick 5 of 13: Exorcist: The Begining (2004)

I think this movie got a very bad wrap, and I do not really understand why other than it being a sequel.  Of the The Exorcist sequels, I feel this is the best, most because of Stellan Skarsgard's performance.

The concept is good - A church in the African desert is found buried in the sand, and later revealed to be the place where Satan fell to earth after the battle in heaven.  Basically, as more story and more of the church is revealed, the more "evil" spreads to the people in the area.  Not as purely scary as the original, but still an entertaining movie.

- this movie is actually a re-shoot of a movie called Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist, which was later released.
- Liam Neeson was originally cast as Father Merrin

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