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You notice we review lots of horror movies - that is true, my brother an I tend to favor that genre. However, we have seen plenty of the classics, romantic comedies, sci-fi, action, biographies, foreign films, indie films, anime, and westerns, to boot.

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Monday, March 19, 2012

Awesome movie quote: Once Upon A Time in Mexico (2003)

Agent Sands: "El, you really must try this because it's puerco pibil.  It's a slow-roasted pork, nothing fancy. It just happens to be my favorite, and I order it with a tequila and lime in every dive I go to in this country. And honestly, that is the best it's ever been anywhere.  In fact, it's too good. It's so good that when I'm finished, I'll pay my check, walk straight into the kitchen and shoot the cook. Because that's what I do."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I've been talking about this movie quite a bit lately. How ironic that you would quote it today.
